It is so gross, I can hardly look at it. A hundred times a day, I am forced to answer these questions:
Miss, is this a real shark?
Miss, is it alive? or Miss, is it dead?
Miss, Why does it look like that?
Miss, where did you get it?
Miss, what kind of shark is that?
Miss, what's wrong with it?
Each of these questions is answered (yes, no/yes, because it's dead, from my sadistic clerk Mrs. Rodriguez, I have no idea, it's dead) and then followed by a murmured agreement from the students that "That's cool!" or "That's tight!"
Sadly, all of the preying manti(ses) in my menagerie have died. So now we are a wild kingdom of leftover crickets and a dead baby shark. It has been a seamless transition.
"So now we are a wild kingdom of leftover crickets and a dead baby shark. It has been a seamless transition."
That shark is so icky. I'm going to get you something better for your kingdom.
isn't it bad enough to be dead, slimy, preserved in more slime and on display for all to see? oh, the humiliation of also having your slimy dead head bent over in a jar like that!
Oh, I almost forgot: Ick!
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